

5/24/2018 3:50:25 PM 729


$51,009 to $74,583 and $64,665 to $94,502;
Class Code;


$51,009 to $74,583 and $64,665 to $94,502

  1. Commission Executive Assistants Il assigned to the Fire, Police and Personnel Departments will receive a bonus of 5.5%.
  2. The current salary range is subject to change. You may confirm the starting salary with the hiring department before accepting a job offer.
  3. Candidates from the eligible list are normally appointed to vacancies in the lower pay grade positions. 

A Commission Executive Assistant supervises or performs all administrative and clerical functions of a City Commission or Board Office; maintains the Commission's official public records; prepares or supervises the preparation and distribution of the agenda and minutes of Commission meetings; advises the Commission on procedures, precedents and policies; and applies sound supervisory principles and techniques in building and maintaining an effective work force; and fulfills equal employment opportunity responsibilities.



Two years of full-time paid experience as a Secretary, or in a class at that level in office clerical work.  (03/04/2016)



  1. Applicants who lack six months or less of the required experience may file for this examination. However, they cannot be appointed until the full experience requirement is met.
  2. Some positions may require a valid California driver's license.  Candidates may not be eligible for appointment to these positions if their record within the last 36 months reflects three or more moving violations and/or at-fault accidents, or a conviction of a major moving violation (such as DUI).



Applications must be received by THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016

Examination Weights:   Written Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qualifying
                                      Essay . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Advisory
                                      Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
The examination for Commission Executive Assistant will consist of a qualifying written test, an advisory essay, and interview.  In the qualifying multiple-choice written test, candidates may be examined for knowledge of: the structure, functions, and organization of City government and departments sufficient to obtain and provide information to Commissioners; role and functions of a Commission in relation to City departments; procedures and special terms used for conducting meetings and other commission activities sufficient to answer City Commissioners' questions and to include necessary information in Commission minutes; applicable City Charter provisions sufficient to make recommendations about the disposition of routine agenda items or explain provisions to others; basic computer literacy sufficient to effectively use computers and software, such as Microsoft Office Suite, Google Docs, and Adobe to prepare agendas, letters, and reports; correct English usage, including grammar, syntax, spelling and sentence structure; fundamental principles of supervision, including assigning, motivating, training, counseling, disciplining, commending, and evaluating the work of subordinates; pertinent City and Personnel Department rules, policies and procedures, including Equal Employment Opportunity and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs); and the ability to read and interpret complex materials such as laws, codes, regulations, letters, memos, reports, Commission documents and City Attorney's opinions; perform basic arithmetic calculations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and percentages; communicate in writing in a clear, concise and effective manner; and other necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities.
On the same day as the qualifying written test, candidates will be required to prepare some written material in response to a problem related to the duties and responsibilities of a Commission Executive Assistant.  This essay material will not be scored separately, but will be presented to the interview panel for discussion with the candidate and for consideration in the overall evaluation of the candidate's qualifications. 
Those who do not complete the advisory writing exercise will not be invited to the interview and will be considered to have failed the entire examination.  Candidates must achieve a passing score in the qualifying written test in order to be called for subsequent portions of the examination. Candidates who pass the qualifying written test and complete the advisory essay will be invited to participate in the interview.
Candidates will be notified later by e-mail of the time and location of the qualifying written test and advisory writing exercise, which will be administered in a single half-day session in Los Angeles, on SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016.
Passing Score for Qualifying Written Test 
The passing score for the qualifying written test will be determined by Personnel Department staff after the qualifying written test is administered.  Consideration will be given to the number of candidates taking the test and the existing and anticipated number of vacancies such that there are a sufficient number of eligibles on the list to satisfy current and future vacancies for the next two years.  Therefore, the passing score for the qualifying multiple-choice written test may be set either above or below 70%.
The examination score will be based entirely on the interview.  In the interview, candidates may be examined for knowledge of:  procedures and special terms used for conducting meetings and other commission activities sufficient to answer City Commissioners' questions and to include necessary information in Commission minutes; sources of information and channels of communication between City departments, other government agencies, and private institutions; Federal, State, and local laws and regulations affecting activities of the Commission and Commissioners; applicable City Charter provisions sufficient to make recommendations about the disposition of routine agenda items or explain provisions to others; basic computer literacy sufficient to effectively use computers and software, such as Microsoft Office Suite, Google Docs, and Adobe to prepare agendas, letters, and reports; fundamental principles and practices of supervision, including assigning, motivating, training, counseling, disciplining, commending, and evaluating the work of subordinates; pertinent City and Personnel Department rules, policies and procedures, including Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs); and the ability to direct and coordinate the work of groups of employees engaged in a variety of administrative and clerical functions of a City Commission or Board Office, including setting priorities for work; work in conditions involving multiple tasks and deadlines in a calm and effective manner; exercise discretion sufficient to maintain the confidentiality of information that has not been made public; communicate, both orally and in writing, in a clear, concise and effective manner sufficient to present information, discuss commission business, work assignments, and other relevant information; deal tactfully and effectively with others in a courteous, patient and firm manner; and other necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities.
  1. This examination is based on a validation study and, as provided by the Civil Service Commission Rule 4.20, the written test will not be subject to candidate inspection.
  2. Applications are accepted subject to review to ensure that minimum qualifications are met.  Candidates may be disqualified at any time if it is determined that they do not possess the minimum qualifications stated on this bulletin.
  3. As a covered entity under the Fair Employment and Housing Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities.  To request a disability accommodation, please complete the Disability Accommodation Form within 14 calendar days of the submittal of the City application.  The Disability Accommodation Form can be obtained at http://per.lacity.org/exams/verify_disability.pdf.
  4. Seniority credit at the rate of 0.25 of a point for each year of continuous service will be added to the weighted test score of each candidate.
  5. A final average score of 70% in the interview is required to be placed on the eligible list.
  6. You must have received a regular appointment to a City position or be on a reserve list to file on a promotional basis. 

The City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, creed, color, ancestry, medical condition (cancer), or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


